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Our Products


Llam​a Beans

Llama ​beans (manure) have the perfect ratio of micro and macro nutrients for your plants.  It is rich in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous.  We feed our animals grass hay from fields that are pesticide free.  We sell ground beans as well as whole beans.  We also will teach you how to make llama tea for indoor plants!  


Large Bag Whole Bean: $20

Large Bag Ground: $25

If you need bulk, call for pricing and availability.

March 15, 2020


Bunny Beans

Bunny beans are also wonderful for our gardens!  They are not "hot" as some other manures and can be put directly into the soil (similar to llama beans).  It is approximately 2% notrogen, 1% phospherous, and 1% potassium.  The pellets actually have twice the nutrients as chicken manure and four times as much as horse manure.  

February 14, 2020

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